
  At Bouncing Bubbles Child Care we believe…

  • Children should be in a home-like setting in their early years where they feel safe and happy
  • Learning should happen as a result of fun, developmental activities
  • Children should learn how to relate to others with respect and honesty
  • Time should be allowed for children to play in groups and individually
  • The family and the provider should work together as a team to provide a positive experience for the children

Bouncing Bubbles Child Care is licensed for 12, caring for children 6 weeks through 12 years of age.  We admit children of any racial, national, religious, ethnic origin, or ability level from all backgrounds, belief systems, family dynamics, and orientations. In short, we recognize and invite the participation of all people, not discriminating on any basis in the administration of our program.

At Bouncing Bubbles we accept learners from all ethnic backgrounds. The primary language we communicate in is English. If you communicate more comfortably in another language, please let us know. We will make every effort to make our materials and communications accessible for you in your home language. We will also incorporate your child’s language and culture into our visuals and communications as much as possible.

We maintain confidentiality and respect the family’s right to privacy, refraining from disclosure of confidential information, unless we have reason to believe that a child’s welfare is at risk.  All child records are retained for 7 years after withdrawal.  Legal guardians may have access to their child’s records during hours the facility is open.

A copy of the State of Maine Rule Relating to the Licensing of Family Child Care Providers can be obtained at http://maine.gov/dhhs/ocfs/ec/occhs/cclicensing.htm.  See “Rules for Family Child Care Providers”.  Licensing inspection results and water test results are public information and are posted on the parent bulletin board at childcare.


All Children Belong Here

This is My Promise to You

  • I will build an open, safe, and mutually respectful childcare community in which each child and each family is an important and equal member
  • I will never allow differences of any kind to be an excuse to make fun of, exclude, or hurt you
  • I will listen carefully and lovingly to what worries you and give you thoughtful, age-appropriate information and support
  • I will nurture you to feel strong and proud about yourself and your family
  • I will facilitate your skills to be friends with others who are alike and different from you
  • I will honor your family’s importance to you by building respectful partnerships with them
  • I will provide support to you and your family when they feel stress, anxiety, or fear because of current events or acts of prejudice or hate
  • I will learn about and help your family use legal and community resources to keep you safe
  • I will work to uproot my own personal biases as an adult, and I will speak out against prejudice and bias wherever I encounter it
  • I will mobilize my courage and become active with others to resist and change any policies and practices that threaten to hurt you or your family

We are in this together – working for a world where every child is protected and honored, exactly as they are.

 Adapted from Derman-Sparks, L. and Edwards, J.O. (2017).  Living Our Commitments:  A Pledge to All Children and Families Child Care Exchange, March/April 2017, 32-35